Siscia Project
Tesserarum Sisciae Sylloge is a project funded by the Croatian Ministry of Culture within the national program "Croatian Cultural Heritage - digitization of archival, library and museum collections". Supplementary funding was granted by the city of Zagreb.
The aim of the project is to present an electronic corpus, i.e. a free access online digital database to the largest collection of Roman commercial tags preserved in the world,namely the collection of tesserae from Siscia (modern day Sisak). The collection has been published as a two volume monograph but an electronic edition of this type of epigraphic material is definitely welcome due to the many advantages it provides compared to a paper edition.
Besides the aforementioned funding entities,
the project is run by the Archaeological Museum in Zagreb.
Two Italian institutions took part as well,
mainly the CNR and to a lesser extent the
University of Pisa.
Ivan Radman: in charge of the project
Marion Lamé: operational director
Federico Ponchio: web and IT